Fleetwood Mac 
mention in People Magazine

April 2002
Insider - Page 47
by Tom Cunneff

"It's been 15 years since Fleetwood Mac released their last studio album, Tango in the Night, but their fans won't have to wait much longer for a new CD. The band - Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood and John McVie - is back in an L. A. studio recording new songs. (Christine McVie, John's ex, called it quits and is home in England.)

The group had hoped to get going earlier this year, but the birth of Fleetwood's twin daughters in February replaced rock and roll with lullabies for a while. The two biggest changes between now and then? They are recording during the day as opposed to the middle of the night, and Wheat Thins are the energy booster of choice. I hear Buckingham insists on 12 boxes at all times."

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